Ahhh....the glitzy and glamorous life of the Upper East Side. The VIP parties, the beach for beautiful tans, $$$$$ dinners, caviar, champagne and more alcohol. And to top it off, a summer rendezvous that fits into the idea of the perfect Manhattan summer. Who did??? I'll never tell.....it's a dirty little secret....

yummy...my aphrodisiac

Now I can spend the rest of the year reminiscing about my days (more like months but who's counting) not working and partying and having fun with my partner in crime who, like me didn't work as well as friends we met along the way. The rain pours outside and the days get a little colder...luckily I have Gossip Girl to keep me company......

Yeah now that summer is over, its time to get back on my ass and start working. Life is unexpected in many ways....part of my summer was spent sending resumes to get a job but nothing happened. Once I got a job, the ball started rolling. Now I have another 2 interviews set up for next week. Fingers crossed for the working visa...otherwise we would have to use the backup plans. It's so weird that Bella and I started working on the same day....I guess playtime is over.
Fall is approaching and people seem to get more emotional. I don't know why I didn't mention this is in my blog but Ryan and I were over a long time ago. It just occurred to me when a friend asked me about my 'boyfriend' and I asked which one and she said the one on my blog. Well it's been over for many months now. We both moved on. No further details. Back to emotions...I recently received a confession way overdue. Yet....better to face the music than not? On the other hand, I can't seem to say many things I want to. Let's just say I'm emotionally drained...or jaded. I'm just gonna play by ear. Less complicated.
Wow....in 2 days I witnessed 2 dramas unfold on the Upper East. What is the world becoming? During dinner at a fancy restaurant, 3 guys and a girl created a scene in front of the restaurant with bloody noses, plenty of swearing and punches trying to be thrown around. Even the cops got involved and the girl apparently knew all of them. Ugh...not the most delectable way to end my meal.
The next day, as I was walking home from work, this obese lady with no sense in fashion whatsoever bitched out 3 girls dressed in little outfits who were walking next to me. We were the only 5 people on the street that time. She specifically addressed them as 3 sluts and 3 whores. They were so shocked that they couldn't even retaliate for 5 seconds before all of them called her lame-0-names like fat bitch blah blah blah. The whole scene was amusingly funny. It's so weird how that lady would lash out to people she didn't know without any warning. She must have been hot-o-phobic. But if those girls were her friends, she would have been their slave or whatever let alone ever have the guts to tell them that, even if according to her they were "sluts who slept with all the men in NYC". Hey girls, save some for the rest of us.
Well as the summer ends, fall brings new possibilities and as the weather gets colder and the leaves turn color, its also a great way to warm up to your loved ones. Just don't get too close or you might end up feeling the heat. Until then, you know you love me. XOXO