Redang Trip

Thailand Trip

You Are a Kogyaru! |
If it's cute, you'll wear it. Fake and bake, hair bleach, and bright makeup line your bathroom cabinet. As for clothes - anything that's short and cute ("kawaii!"). You are the prize object of all sorts of men - but you are really looking for a rich foreign guy. He'll find you out hanging out in Shibuya shopping at the 109, text messaging and sending photos over your cellphone. |
Our 3rd night has finally come and gone. And man was it a tiring 3 nights. I finally realized that I’m really too old for hard core clubbing anymore. It’s fun the first night and maybe even the second, but hit the third and you seriously question your age and what you would trade to spend a quiet day home or chilling out than out braving the endless stream of rejecting ugly desperate people, taking care of drunk friends, making sure people get home safely and avoiding the cops.
Word up, Ling and Pauline came out with us to Zouk and we had a great time cam whoring, drinking and dancing! Can’t believe we took THAT many pictures! At 1am, both of them had to leave. I wanted to leave with them but Datin Seri Paduka insisted I stay because she was drunk and wasn’t sure if she could drive (I know that was just a lame excuse to get me to stay Jas!) so I got my bag and turn to watch Jon and the rest of them leave to the comfort of their beds. The night passed slowly after they left because I just sat in Zouk waiting for everyone to finish clubbing and since I still wasn’t feeling well and wanted to take care of others, I was trying my best to avoid alcohol. Jas came into Zouk drunk and wild again. Keeping up with her was a wild goose chase and it was fun to see how hyper and animated she gets when she’s drunk! When it was time to leave, there were road blocks all around so we ended up in Jln. Alor indulging on some midnight snacks along with Mike, Sue Ann and Serena. And all the while, Jas was driving. I salute you Datin! This one is a tanker people!