Welcome to my world!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
The great reunion
The trip to NYC has also been pretty enlightening in many ways.Being exposed to people that I normally wouldn't and going to places that I otherwise wouldn't has really shown me another side of the city that I have never seen before when I'm there with my other friends.But in the end,I realize no matter how much I love the city,I don't belong there.Life there is too complicated if you really wanna make a name for yourself.With so much going on, its easy to lose yourself in the city and a friend told me that you have to really be very very strong and clear of your goals so that you don't lose yourself in all the glitz and glamour.Although I'm majoring in PR,I understood that if I were to live there,I would eventually lose myself.Hell,I've been losing myself since coming to US!But my friend also said that life is all about losing yourself and then finding yourself again.What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Which brings me to another story....Desmond called me one afternoon crying because he was in the hospital with no recollection of how he ended up there.This shocked me to the bone because he was worried he was attacked.So in the end,my friend drove me up 2 hours after his work to Philly just to pick Desmond up to bring him back to my place which is another 2 hours.Another friend took the time to drive us around for food and shopping the next couple of days.This made me realize how lucky I was to have such friends who would do things like that for me.If it weren't for them, I would have risk taking a bus to see Desmond myself and maybe getting lost in Philly.Thanks!You guys are the best!Thankfully Dessie was much better and with the help of good food,ciggies and great company, both of us manage to have a fantastic weekend.
Well now I'm in Boston with my wifey and we shall see what's in store for me in Boston.Hopefully I learn and see new things over the next few days and enjoy myself to the fullest.It's gonna be a great start to my summer holidays!!!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Shopping Therapy/Frenzy?
List of stuff bought online over the span of 2 weeks:
3 pairs of shoes (flats, heels and sport shoes)
4 Victoria Secret bras
4 pairs of VS underwear (for my friends so this shouldn't count as self-indulgence)
1 bikini top
My nice smelling VS lotion (I can't believe they are not gonna have it anymore!wuwuwu)
1 pair of formal shirt
1 pair of khakis
I should hate Victoria Secret for making me spend so much just to get more savings.Spend above $150 and save $30 bucks!Sounds like a good deal right?But they obviously don't tell you that your total amount has to be more than $150 bucks after the discount which means you really have to spend a minimum of $180!Convert it into RM and hm...I've just spent almost RM525 on bras and underwear and a bunch of rubbish alone.Add another RM500 or so on shoes and...OMFG!Suddenly those lingerie don't look too attractive anymore. Anyone willing to take care of me when I go home?*wink wink*
I should also hate Visa for constantly extending my credit!Buy Buy Buy seems to be my motto the last few weeks.Maybe its my form of therapy instead of paying for a psychiatrist (buy bras instead and try to boost my cleavage to feel better?).Earn extra 70 bucks, spend extra 300 bucks.Almost a month rent there....gosh...I can't afford my own lifestyle!HELP ME!!!!
They say never try to convert stuff while you're overseas otherwise the amount would be exaggerated.I try not to most of the times but sometimes I do just to make myself feel guilty for spending so much while my parents work their ass off paying for my education and cost of living (which I end up spending on these crazy shopping sprees).
Lesson of the day: Spend within your own means.Unless of course you wanna be slaving for the rest of your life to pay that damn bill from VISA while they happily upgrade you every few months.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Dumb and Dumber

Final destination
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Sadistic Clown
The bright lights, the colorful scene
Everyone waiting for the show to begin
Steps out a clown with an inexplicable grin
The audience cheers as the journey begins
Mind games and cruelty all part of the act
Everyone’s masochistic side the clown tries to hack
They become addicted to the pain like they’re high on crack
Only a little girl hiding behind the crowd realizes this fact
Makeup and costume on, the clown seems to glow
Seems like no one can break his flow
Yet as the little girl turn away from his act he feels a hard blow
He realizes she sees through the fake act and really knows
The final act ends as the crowd goes applauding
The clown takes his bow and his face stuck smiling
Yet as he turns away a drop of tear starts falling
The little girl saw the scene and starts wondering
She can’t understand why this cruel clown that she is seeing
Can feel so much emotion for one small soul that’s just in hiding
Yet strip off the makeup and clothes that’s suffocating
You realize he is after all a human being
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Baboon and her animal friends

Definition: An ideal place or state (Dictionary.com)
---------------My utopia----------------------
Thou shall be kind and be treated kindly
Thou shall not judge and be judged upon
Thou shall not curse and be cursed upon
Thou shall trust and be trusted
Thou shall share happiness and be happy
Thou shall honor and be honored
Thou shall cherish and be cherished
Thou shall spread hope and be hopeful
Thou shall want and be wanted
Thou shall create miracles and be a miracle
Thou shall spread wisdom and be wise
Thou shall love and be loved
Thou shall not hurt and be hurt
But the truth always hits you in the face or in other words,
REALITY: the state or quality of being real (Dictionary.com)
Survival of the fittest will always tell you-Thou shall kill or be killed.
Harsh as reality may sound,thats the fact of life.
So in the end,I face reality but all the while dreaming for my utopia.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Porn For Women

"Prepare to enter a fantasy world. A world where clothes get folded just so, delicious dinners await, and flatulence is just not that funny. Give the fairer sex what they really want beautiful PG photos of hunky men cooking, listening, asking for directions, accompanied by steamy captions: I love a clean house or As long as I have two legs to walk on, you'll never take out the trash. Now this is porn that will leave women begging for more!"
So for all you guys out there,take note.The next time you want to turn a woman on with those overused one liners,think again.Pick up a copy of this book and u may actually learn a thing or two about how to please a woman's ears.Reading the synopsis,I think I might actually want to purchase this book and find out more (of cos on my own).After all,isn't porn something you prefer indulging alone?
Another great option is to watch the old 8tv's reality TV show "What Women Want" hosted by Hannah T.I've just started watching it on YouTube and believe me, it is both entertaining and enlightening,even for me because now I know "WHAT WOMEN WANT".
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Waiting to return
Friends and family time
Yum cha and food marathons
Cheap movies (anyone up for gold class?)
Shop till I drop in KL and Bangkok
Visit gramps
Get a tattoo
Hook up with old friends
Buy shoes
Eat more
Go to the gym
Watch my chinese dramas on Astro
Stuff myself as much as I can
Buy clothes
Buy buy buy buy buy
Hug my friends everytime I see them
Drinking and clubbing
Get drunk
Visit the beach
Watch the sunrise and sunset
Any suggestions?
I miss
I miss your eyes, I miss your smile,
I miss the way you make me laugh
I miss your smell, I miss your voice
I miss the sparkle shining in your eyes
I miss your hands, I miss your face,
I miss the gentle soul behind your mask
I miss your warmth, I miss your hugs,
I miss the comfort of having you close at heart
I miss the talks, I miss the tears
I miss the way you chase away my fears
I miss the sun, I miss the fun,
I miss the endless hours that we shared
I miss our thoughts, I miss our dreams
I miss the bright light that hope beams
I miss the humor, I miss the jokes,
I miss you putting up with my silliness
I miss your tease, I miss your please
I miss the secrets that we have
I miss forever, I miss together,
I miss the promises we made each other
I miss the waves, I miss the stars,
I miss the special spot we use to share
I miss the flowers, I miss the wind,
I miss the old me I left behind
I miss our joy, I miss our memories,
But most of all I miss not wanting to miss you anymore
Monday, May 7, 2007
Pelajar cemerlang???
Me:(thinking to myself) haha.wtf. I get an award for sitting in front of the class and falling asleep with my eyes open?Oh well....*grins and accepts the award*
Just so you guys know,Ling and I were awarded with some academic excellence award.We are pelajar cemerlang of Towson University 2007.fuiyoh...konon glamour.Just a way to cheat our friends and family into paying $25usd for a disgusting dinner in 'our' honor where the ambience matched the disgusting food they served.And I wasn't the only one who thought this was a rip-off.At least we got something out of it.Free dinner for us and a piece of wood and a piece of cardboard in 'our' honor.Hope this will make mummy proud.haha.But thanks for coming guys!Love you long time!We went to XS to 'celebrate' and relax after the event.Here are some photos from the whole night....
I read today that my university will try to ban smoking by next year.although they say almost 70% of the students don't smoke,30% is still a big number especially when those students are concentrated in a few buildings (business & mass comm&emf).Guess the 'aroma' of second hand smoke and the ever present load of ciggie butts is too much for some people to handle.There was this girl who said she can bring her dogs for walks when the ban is established and not worry her dog will be sick.Wth,I think I know more people who are allergic to pets than second hand smoke!
Oh well...at least I'm graduating end of the year.Glad I don't have to bring my huffing puffing ass 3 blocks away just to puff some more.Cheerios!
You and Me
You said hello
I said goodbye
You searched for a smile
I gave you a frown
You said let’s talk and work things out
I said forget it and it’s just not worth it
You said I’ve changed and am not the same
I say I’ve lost that person that you once knew
You look at me with such disappointment
I secretly smile inside knowing that I’ve hurt us both
You search for that sign of hope
I crush it with a smirk and look of disgust
You turn away from me
I keep more distance from you
You believe that it’s just a phase
I kill all your hopes that it’s temporary
You ask me why
I ignore and pretend nothing is wrong
You ask me how
I shrug and say I have no answer
You can’t help but contradict
I can’t see the need to contemplate
You finally decide to let it go
Just so you know, I’ve given up a long time ago
You don’t know what the past has done
I don’t know what the future will bring
We know it won’t work yet we still hold on
We just wonder what kind of relationship this will bring
My first posting!

This is my first time ever blogging.I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would see myself blogging because I always thought it was a waste of time and stuff that you put in your blog is always filtered because you never want people to know how you really feel or think.I guess I finally decided to blog after reading so many honest blogs done by my friends and I guess its also a way to put my feelings into words.Being someone who don't like revealing too much about my emotions because (gasp) I'm worried of how others may react, this is something really new for me. Although someone once told me that he thinks I'm a good writer (I thought it was total bs!) but let's see how far this blog can bring me to open my feelings up to others as well as myself. So for my first entry I will give a little introduction instead.I chose the title 'denki' ( 伝記--this is the kanji for it) because it means 'life story' in Japanese which is basically what my blog is gonna be.My life story from now on...also an opportunity to give my friends back home a little insight on how my so called bimbo life has been progressing and if my bimboness has doubled or tripled overtime.But be prepared for the endless bitching sessions and postings that will be coming your way!I'm known for being dramatic and being able to go on and on forever.