This is my first time ever blogging.I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would see myself blogging because I always thought it was a waste of time and stuff that you put in your blog is always filtered because you never want people to know how you really feel or think.I guess I finally decided to blog after reading so many honest blogs done by my friends and I guess its also a way to put my feelings into words.Being someone who don't like revealing too much about my emotions because (gasp) I'm worried of how others may react, this is something really new for me. Although someone once told me that he thinks I'm a good writer (I thought it was total bs!) but let's see how far this blog can bring me to open my feelings up to others as well as myself. So for my first entry I will give a little introduction instead.I chose the title 'denki' ( 伝記--this is the kanji for it) because it means 'life story' in Japanese which is basically what my blog is gonna be.My life story from now on...also an opportunity to give my friends back home a little insight on how my so called bimbo life has been progressing and if my bimboness has doubled or tripled overtime.But be prepared for the endless bitching sessions and postings that will be coming your way!I'm known for being dramatic and being able to go on and on forever.
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