Welcome to my world!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Central of the Grand-ness
The venue:Thursday ladies night at Grand Central
The people:Ho's and lo's, bitches and hitches (A bunch of drunk people looking good and having a good time)
Yup, that's my experience at Grand Central second time round. First time definitely wasn't as fun as I was watching drag queens strutting their stuff for all their worth where you can see but to touch...it will cost you sumthin. This time round, seeing is believing, and baby you gotta believe it. Whatever you call it...chicks, babes, butches, drama queens, lesbians...man was it gay town to the extreme. And when I mean gay, I mean happy, ecstatic and downright outrageously fan-fucking-tastic!
Alright people, the lo' down for tonight. My ladies and I headed up to Grand Central (a gay bar but ladies night on Thursday) to have some fun and meet other friends plus some. Naturally, the environment and people there was to a certain extent, GAY!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Reality check
But now I wake up and realize, I'm myself and here...alone
Monday, August 27, 2007
Dear otoosan,
One of the biggest disappointment I had during my Japan trip was not being able to pay my respects to my first host father. I know that I changed so many host families when I was there but otoosan was my first host father and I was certainly very fond of him. It's almost been half a year since he left and although more than 3 years since I last spoken to him, the pain of losing him hit me very hard. He was a wonderful father to me and spoiled me to death with sweets and presents. I understand that what you did was very biased and led to all the trouble but I'm sure at that time all you wanted was to make me feel at home by treating me like a real daughter.
I'm very angry at myself for not being more persistent trying to contact my host family (even after numerous phone calls to their home)...I admit, I was scared. I was scared to finally realize that you've gone, to see for myself that altar and to have other members of the family judge me. I know that I'm not your real daughter but for those months, you were all that I had...you were my family. At the same time, I was afraid that I would dissapoint my current host family by insisting on visiting you...I still remember the incident when all of us met and how humiliated both sides were. My selfishness can only get me that far...I'm sorry. I felt like I didn't do myself justice by stating it outright that I wanted to contact the family. Instead, I hid behind closed doors to call, knowing that no one would be around and not leaving a message but just hoping that maybe someone would pick up.I wandered the streets of Tokyo everyday thinking of calling and hoping to see you and be able to speak to you and give my respect. Yet fear and shame overcame me and here I am back in America with nothing but guilt and disappointment.
I hope you are doing well up there. I imagine you smoking and drinking your favorite green tea which you would meticulously whip up. Maybe you are enjoying our favorite Denny's breakfast set. Or the Baskin Robbins and anmitsu you would bring home to cheer me up. I have you to thank for my sweet tooth and weight gain. Maybe you have met my beloved ojiichan as well. If you have, maybe both of you can go fishing together.
I hope you continue looking after okaasan and the rest of the family from above. I'm sure okaasan is very sad to have lost you. It was my first time hearing her cry although I knew she was trying very hard to hold it in, just like a typical Japanese woman. What is it with you and your pride? Why didn't you let me know sooner?? I would have made the trip there to see you for the last time. All the time I thought that you have forgotten about me. I was lost in my selfishness without even being aware of how much you were suffering. Just because I changed families didn't mean that I loved you any less. You tried your best...it's just too bad that we didn't last as a family long enough. I'm sorry I didn't understand the severity of your situation, if I knew it would be the last time I would be able to hear your voice, I would have stayed on the line no matter how long you took. I wished you answered the phone when I called that day or at least return my call and not keep me up waiting the whole night..all I wanted to do was to hear your voice...maybe that was your way of punishing me for leaving in the first place. I never forgot your last words to me as you drove me to my new house that day..."Please come back".
I'm sorry that I'm angry at you...but I'm more angry at myself. I disappointed you once by leaving and this time I did it again by not coming back. Maybe next time I will have more courage...I will keep my promise and visit you someday. All I can say for now is...I'm sorry. I hope you will remember me otoosan. Maybe you will come into my dreams someday. Until then, I will keep the memories of the good times and bad times in my heart.
Making the most out of my time: Part 3 (Last days)
I manage to meet up with Amane and Natsuko as well over the next few days and we dressed up to go to Shinjuku, Shibuya and the upscale Roppongi. Amane went shopping with me for a new purse and walking into every
Looking for a purikura machine
The view of Tokyo Tower from Roppongi
Bling bling outside LV
Kampai! A toast to us!
My trip back to US was tiring as I almost missed my flight…twice!!! Haha. Thank god I didn’t as I would lose it this time. I didn’t realize my departing gate from Narita airport was changed and I was waiting for a long time. On impulse I checked my ticket and realize I was waiting at the wrong place!!! I nearly freaked out but luckily my plane was delayed and the attendants and Narita were searching for the missing passengers. I manage to board and for the next 11 hours, it was pretty much static. Upon arrival, I had less than 2 hours to clear immigration and board the plane. As our plane arrived late, I was in a major rush and the line was moving so slowly. I kept hearing the Japanese lady next to me telling the attendants she was going to miss her flight and I was almost confident I would miss mine. Apart from the long wait, I didn’t have any problems clearing immigration and customs and I was dashing to catch my flight. I boarded breathless and relieved. Just as I thought all bad luck would end, I arrived at BWI not only missing a promised face but missing one piece of my luggage and as well. After settling all problems,
(Goodbye my friends, we shall meet again next time, on top of the front where the cherry blossom falls)
Sakura by Moriyama Naotarou
Still in my familiar place: Part 2 (Vacations and family time)
Fresh wasabi

On the day, Papa and I saw mummy off at the airport and I was on my own for the next couple days. I felt a little sad and lonely as I watched mummy leave for I didn't know when was the next time I would see her. Spending time with mummy was amazing as I showed her the serene, the chaos, and wonderful colors Japan and Tokyo has to offer. I hope she had a great time and manage to experience Japan life in 10 days, what I took a year to do. I love you mummy!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Making new memories in an old place: Part 1 (The arrival)
My 37 hour journey to Japan has finally started...
Our 30 hour wait in Changi Airport
Having tea at the poolside in Changi
Diogo and I at Narita Airport
Monday, August 6, 2007
Memories revisited
I'm going to visit Japan again. Another place I can call home. This time however, I have my mum with me so I'm still holding on to a little part of Malaysia and my family with me...at least for now. I miss KL tremendously...coming back home was really the right thing to do. Old memories were revisited, new ones made and present ones carried with me towards the future.
I'm excited to see my host family again as well as my friends and family there. Some of my best memories were made in Japan. I can't wait to turn into the same corners of those streets I spent ages hanging out, taste the same food and meet the same people.
Another phase in my life has ended...something new should begin. I'm learning to let go and let live. If something is not meant to be, there's no use forcing it. I'm still holding on to the memories but I will learn to move on. Thank you for the memories.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
This vacation has been pretty tiring with all the trips and excitement going on. Kinda makes me want to hold on to life here. But there are also obstacles and stuff that's waiting for me in US to handle. Hopefully everything will run smoothly. Sometimes I wish I was more independent and confident in things I have to do and obstacles I have to overcome. I hope my life does not fall apart when I return to the States. I hope I hope I hope....
Next stop is Japan. Gosh, I have to brush up my Japanese and culture!!! I can't wait to meet all my friends and family there as well. Hope this will be another vacation that's hard to forget.
I hope I don't cry at the airport tomorrow. Haha. More than that, I hope I don't cry when I get to US airport. Don't make me cry...*cross fingers*
Until next time, SAYONARA! Will be posting up pictures soon!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The best painkiller is here to stay,
Maybe that's all you need right now.