Our first trip out Tokyo was with Mama, Tomo, mummy and I to Hiraishi’s second home in Izu to go to the hot spring and watch fireworks. The hot spring experience was very nice but it was embarrassing for mummy as this was her first time being naked in front of everyone else but after a while, she stopped thinking and really enjoyed herself although she was red from head to toe from staying in the hot water too long. We had sushi and sweets before the fireworks began and the fireworks were beautiful as ever and this time I didn’t fall asleep! Getting a taxi home wasn’t too easy and we ended up waiting for about an hour because it was so packed. Tomo and I drank when we reached home and Tomo, mummy and I chatted till late. The next day we rushed to catch the Shinkansen to Kyoto but some problems occurred on the way and we missed our train along with our first class tickets. We manage to meet up with Papa halfway and Papa argued with the attendant to get our money back and this continued when we reached Kyoto station. Papa won in the end and we got some money back. Banzai!!! Kyoto and Nara was sooooooooooo hot!!! We were in Japan in the hottest week of the summer and being in Kyoto and Nara, it was even worse. But the trip was fun as it was filled with delicious food, beautiful scenery and fun and laughter. We stayed in the ryokan as well and mummy was very happy as it was her first time. Over dinner one evening, I was recalling an experience about a senior’s nickname and it cracked everyone up and everyone was surprised how hilarious mummy was. As usual Tomo and I did our share of baka stuff but this time, mummy joined in! From our pretend wedding in front of the chapel to posing in the ryokan, mummy was in a good mood without understanding much. Luckily Mama communicated with her in Chinese while Papa spoke to her in English. We visited so many temples in both Kyoto and Nara. In Nara, there were so many deers and I was so scared when they all came to me that I made a fool out of myself and screamed so loud until mummy had to hug me and keep comforting me while mama tried distracting them. I feel so foolish now.Haha. One of the deers stuck close to mummy and they made such a cute couple.

Fresh wasabi
To the onsen (hot spring)
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