Welcome to my world!

Somewhere between my fantasy and what is real

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Middle of Nowhere

Episode 2: Cynna Bar
I decided to head down to Cynna bar with Mich and gang although I was still feeling a little sick from the night before due to the over consumption of alcohol and lack of exercise (dancing). Lee’s friends and an old clubbing kaki Rustam came along too. I made Michelle promise to not make me drink this time and she did keep to her promise (except for that one glass she made me down at the end of the night). Although the music was not my type, it was still considerably a decent night. We had to leave around 2 because there was a rumor about a raid so Jon, Jas, Po and I went to Jln Alor for supper and when we went back to the place so that Jon can get his car (he finally sobered up and was almost falling asleep on the table during supper), there wasn’t any raid! So much to the end of another night….

Glamourous pictures from the night!!!


Icing said...

Lol..i cant believe you put my ugly picture on your blog.. ish ish.

dimsum_inc said...

haha what ugly picture?semua cute!