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Somewhere between my fantasy and what is real

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Porn For Women

Haha.Grabbed your attention,didn't I?Bet you thought I would put nude pictures up when u read the title right.WRONG!This is actually the title of a book by Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative I saw on People's Magazine recently while working out at the gym.Ever wonder what turns a woman on?Ever at a loss for words or don't know what to tell your loved one after the typical "You are beautiful" gets old?Let me give you a synopsis of this book that I found online:

"Prepare to enter a fantasy world. A world where clothes get folded just so, delicious dinners await, and flatulence is just not that funny. Give the fairer sex what they really want beautiful PG photos of hunky men cooking, listening, asking for directions, accompanied by steamy captions: I love a clean house or As long as I have two legs to walk on, you'll never take out the trash. Now this is porn that will leave women begging for more!"

So for all you guys out there,take note.The next time you want to turn a woman on with those overused one liners,think again.Pick up a copy of this book and u may actually learn a thing or two about how to please a woman's ears.Reading the synopsis,I think I might actually want to purchase this book and find out more (of cos on my own).After all,isn't porn something you prefer indulging alone?

Another great option is to watch the old 8tv's reality TV show "What Women Want" hosted by Hannah T.I've just started watching it on YouTube and believe me, it is both entertaining and enlightening,even for me because now I know "WHAT WOMEN WANT".

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