Welcome to my world!

Somewhere between my fantasy and what is real

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Shopping Therapy/Frenzy?

Someone please take my credit cards away from me!I will be so deep in debt even before I leave for Malaysia that I will have to just sit at home and rot for the next couple months doing nothing!I can't believe I've been spending so much money these days shopping online.And that doesn't even include the trip to the malls and eating out and clubbing/drinking.ARGH!Let's see what I've bought so far and you tell me if I'm overspending or not.

List of stuff bought online over the span of 2 weeks:
3 pairs of shoes (flats, heels and sport shoes)
4 Victoria Secret bras
4 pairs of VS underwear
(for my friends so this shouldn't count as self-indulgence)
1 bikini top
My nice smelling VS lotion
(I can't believe they are not gonna have it anymore!wuwuwu)
1 pair of formal shirt
1 pair of khakis

I should hate Victoria Secret for making me spend so much just to get more savings.Spend above $150 and save $30 bucks!Sounds like a good deal right?But they obviously don't tell you that your total amount has to be more than $150 bucks after the discount which means you really have to spend a minimum of $180!Convert it into RM and hm...I've just spent almost RM525 on bras and underwear and a bunch of rubbish alone.Add another RM500 or so on shoes and...OMFG!Suddenly those lingerie don't look too attractive anymore. Anyone willing to take care of me when I go home?*wink wink*

I should also hate Visa for constantly extending my credit!Buy Buy Buy seems to be my motto the last few weeks.Maybe its my form of therapy instead of paying for a psychiatrist (buy bras instead and try to boost my cleavage to feel better?).Earn extra 70 bucks, spend extra 300 bucks.Almost a month rent there....gosh...I can't afford my own lifestyle!HELP ME!!!!

They say never try to convert stuff while you're overseas otherwise the amount would be exaggerated.I try not to most of the times but sometimes I do just to make myself feel guilty for spending so much while my parents work their ass off paying for my education and cost of living (which I end up spending on these crazy shopping sprees).

Lesson of the day: Spend within your own means.Unless of course you wanna be slaving for the rest of your life to pay that damn bill from VISA while they happily upgrade you every few months.

I wanna be an angel too
Look at her and tell me it's all worth it...


GiGling Guru said...

List of stuff bought online over the span of 2 weeks:
3 pairs of shoes (flats, heels and sport shoes)
4 Victoria Secret bras
4 pairs of VS underwear (for my friends so this shouldn't count as self-indulgence)

FOR ME????

dimsum_inc said...

haha i can give u the underwear if you want but then again...you do have to parade fashion show style for all of us to see

GiGling Guru said...

what about i just go full nude